Rebuilding Knee Cartilage Using Stem Cell Therapy

In addition to chasing after her two young sons, Rachel G. found a new passion in running 8 years ago. Running became part of her life and she even started training for the New York Marathon. Unfortunately, it came to a sudden stop last February 15th when she slipped on black ice and had a…

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Stem Cell Therapy Alternative to Knee Replacement Surgery

As an active woman, Gail F. suffered knee injuries and pain in both knees due to living an athletic lifestyle of skiing, hiking, and playing tennis. Gail was a competitive downhill skier when she was younger and tore her ACL when she was 13 years old. A year ago the pain was so intense that…

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Rotator cuff tears are at high risk of enlargement over time

Tears of the rotator cuff are an extremely common source of shoulder pain in adults over the age of 40. Tear size can range from incomplete or partial to complete tears ranging from small to very large. Treatment options range from non-operative management consisting of physical therapy and/or injections to surgical repair. While non-operative treatment…

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26 Years of Elbow Pain Aced by Stem Cell Therapy

“Can stem cell therapy really help my elbow pain?” Ted. D was shocked seeing Dr. Steven Struhl moving so well on the tennis court with his problematic knee that he had to ask Dr. Struhl his secret. Dr. Struhl explained that he had a stem cell therapy procedure performed on himself. He wanted to see…

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Kobe Bryant tears his rotator cuff

It was announced this week that Kobe Bryant, the star of the Los Angeles Laker’s basketball team sustained a rotator cuff tear during a game on Friday while making a two-handed dunk shot. The rest of his season is in peril as he seeks additional opinions decides on whether he should have rotator cuff surgery…

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When surgery is one’s “only option” for knee pain

New Yorkers and Knick fans are all reeling after Carmello Anthony admitted this week that surgery is his “only option” for his recurring left knee pain. Like Carmello, after all non-operative procedures like stem cell therapy, PRP injections, and/or physical therapy are exhausted surgery is the last resort to get someone pain free. Unlike other…

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Scared to go under the knife for his ACL tear

Stefan H. understands that some times one has to endure pain in order to get to the next level. From the expected pains you would expect a collegiate track and field athlete to experience to get to his level, one level of pain he was nervous about was to “go under the knife” for his…

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Stem cell therapy speeds up healing for a hard to heal broken arm

What do you do if you suffer a broken arm that is a complete arm fracture, have an emergency surgery by a well known surgeon, and 5 months later your bone is not healing?  That is the predicament that Paul found himself in. Back in September 2013, Paul had an emergency surgery to fix his…

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Stem Cells and PRP saved my knee!

Lois O. sat on the bench in front of the Tower of London wondering how she let this happen. After retiring as a school teacher, she and her husband planned a trip a year; this year being England, Ireland and Scotland…and here she was… again on the bench due to the severe knee pain she was…

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Dr. Struhl’s pointers knee injuries during a hike

If you live in the state of New York, chances are you do a lot of walking.  Whether it’s daily living in the city or hiking some of Westchester County’s beautiful trails, at some point it is not uncommon for the everyday New Yorker to experience knee pain or suffer a knee injury.  Dr. Steven…

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